Categories: Belfast

Week 2/Botanic garden

My second week here is now over. There is more interesting stuff to do at work. The whole week I was programming using Python and wrote a unit test for existing software. On Wednesday we had a “Hands on” meeting during which Tim and I were introduced to the whole company. Unfortunately on Friday we were told that we should be focusing on other tasks in the coming weeks. That means my unit test is probably never getting finished. But i still learned a lot and maybe there are parts of it that will be used or worked on further.

On Friday I went to play pool with a couple of class mates at Lavery’s. It was a lot of fun. The only thing missing were onion bhajis, which were advertised all throughout the pub, but are only served on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. I guess, I have to try again later.

On Saturday Giuliano and I cooked some delicious pasta and on Sunday I went to the botanic garden, where I was once before.

My first visit was quite short. This time I noticed how small the park is. If you walk straight through it, it’ll probably take you about 5-10 minutes. Nevertheless it’s a really nice place and very close to my accommodation.

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